Dear Afternoon Nap:

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Without you, I would be nothing. I omitted sleep from my life last night and everything that happened between 6:45a.m. this morning and 12:34p.m. when I surrendered to your charms feels like a distant memory. Or maybe like I was watching someone else do it. Someone else showered and drove to school. Someone else sat through the 4 hour joke that I know as Psychology class. Someone else picked up Subway for my lunch date with dad. Someone else noticed how rude the person behind the counter was. Someone else made sure to give her a satisfied scowl once the sandwiches were wrapped and bagged and well out of spitting range. Someone else told her to have a nice day, but thoroughly did not mean it. Someone else felt so lucky to have a dad that works from home that she can lunch with as often as she likes, knowing that not all girls are this lucky. Someone else noticed that unless dad is out on sales calls, he sometimes doesn’t comb his hair (one of the luxuries of working from home, i suppose). Someone else had to have experienced these things because I was catatonically tired. When I finally met up with you in the guest bedroom at my parent’s house, I don’t even remember my head hitting the pillow. All I know is that I, not someone else, got the best sleep that I have had in months between 12:34 and 4:29 p.m.

Muchos Gracias!


About Bridget

One day, Johnny Cash said that he was "...gunna write a tear stained letter..." If it was good enough for The Man in Black, its good enough for me. I love the idea of a letter and, though I send and receive so few of them in my daily life, I still feel that they are a great way to communicate. Especially for someone who has nerves that can sometimes malfunction. A letter allows me to say everything that I need and want to say. I am in love with letters. That makes every letter that I pen a "love" letter. Even that nasty one that I wrote to my X-best friend in the seventh grade. <3

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